Saturday, February 8, 2014

የ12 ዓመቷ ሳዲያ ሳሌህ ከዓይኖቿ ሽፋል ስር በርካታ አነስተኛ ድንጋዮች ሲወጡ የሚያሳየውን ዘገባ ....

Yemeni girl leaves doctors speechless by crying STONES instead of tears | ከአይኗ እንባ ሳይሆን ጠጠር ያዘነበችው የመናዊት ጉዳይ ብዙዎችን እያነጋገረ ነው፡፡

የ12 ዓመቷ ሳዲያ ሳሌህ ከዓይኖቿ ሽፋል ስር በርካታ አነስተኛ ድንጋዮች ሲወጡ የሚያሳየውን ዘገባ ያቀረበው የየመን ቴሌቪዥን ሲሆን ዶክተሮች ይህ ሊሆን እንዴት እንደቻለ ምንም ዓይነት ሳይንሳዊ ትንታኔ ማቅረብ አልቻሉም፡፡

የልጅቷ መንደር ነዋሪዎች ግን ልጅቷ በክፉ መንፈስ ተይዛለች፣ አሊያም የአንዳች ክፉ ክስተት መምጣት አመላካች ነው እያሉ ነው፡፡

Saadiya Saleh, 12, from Yemen, produces small, hard stones under eyelids
They are naturally pushed to front of her eyes, before falling down cheeks
Doctors are yet to come up with an explanation for the bizarre condition
But locals have spoken of their fears that girl is 'possessed by the devil'

A 12-year-old girl has baffled doctors after crying stones instead of tears - with locals fearing she may be 'possessed'.

Saadiya Saleh, who lives in a village in Yemen, produces the small, hard stones beneath her eyelids.
They are then naturally pushed to the front of her eyes, before falling down her cheeks.
Bizarre phenomenon: Saadiya Saleh, 12, has baffled doctors after crying small stones instead of tears
A doctor then holds up a small box full of stones that have fallen out of Saadiya's eyes in just a few hours.

Medics said they could not give an explanation for the condition - with Saadiya not suffering from any known disease, according to the Daily Mirror
Bizarre phenomenon: Saadiya Saleh, 12, has baffled doctors after crying small stones instead of tears
Uncomfortable: The young girl, who lives in Yemen, produces the tiny, hard stones beneath her eyelids
Uncomfortable: The young girl, who lives in Yemen, produces the tiny, hard stones beneath her eyelids
Girl cries stones
Mystery: Doctors are yet to come up with an explanation for the unusual condition, claiming that Saadiya (left) is not suffering from any known disease. Right, a small box full of stones  that have fallen out of the girl's eyes
A video of the bizarre phenomenon was posted on YouTube by Yemeni television channel Azal.
Footage shows Saadiya lying on a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and relatives - one of whom can be seen brushing a stone out of the child's eye with a cloth.
 However, locals have spoken of their fears that the young girl is possessed by magic.
'The case has triggered panic in the area where this girl lives,' a presenter can be heard saying in the video.
'Some say the girl could be gripped by a magic spell, while others say it might be the devil.
'Others fear it could be the start of a dangerous epidemic.'

Source : and  diretube.

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