Tens of thousands of African immigrants in Rabin Square protesters : 1,500 striking workers in Eilat

Sanctions are held in protest against government policy , and according to the organizers also held demonstrations in the coming days , "All have sinned is we fled political persecution "
Tens of thousands of African immigrants participate morning ( Sunday ) at a demonstration in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to protest the government's policy towards them. Participants in the demonstration called "Yes to freedom , not jail." This morning also began a general strike proclaimed . Alongside immigrants , stood a few hundred Israelis, including schoolchildren from Tel Aviv. Eilat demonstrated in front of hundreds of immigrants in Kiryat government and some 1,500 employees did not show up at the hotel.
This weekend moved between migrants from Eritrea and Sudan all over the country knowing that there is no report to work today . The strike is expected to affect many businesses including mainly restaurants , cafes, hotels and cleaning companies employing immigrants . Towards the strike took place the night before a big meeting of the immigrant community in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv . Initiative leaders have announced that in the coming days are expected protests .
Dwight DMOZ , a citizen of Eritrea 27, and the leaders of the protest spoke at the demonstration in Tel Aviv , saying that " we will continue our fight urn government hear our voices . We continue the march of freedom of our brothers that are back in prison. They came to Israel to seek asylum , and instead check out the asylum application their state of Israel says that they and we criminals. recent weeks refugees persecuted streets. we're afraid to leave the house . " DMOZ added: " We did not come here to work or to be here all our life. Once the difficult situation in our country change we go back to our country ."
Participants in the demonstration in Rabin Square this morning
Participants in the demonstration in Rabin Square this morning. Photo: Daniel Bar-On
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Arad 's Sudanese students and employees , but also the way to prison 03/01/2014 | 02:00
Somaya , an immigrant from Sudan, 22, turned her speech to the Israeli government : " We ask the Israeli authorities why the facility Sands called the facility is open, if it is managed by the prison authorities and is in the desert, far from any town ? Our brothers locked at night and are required to report to AD three times a day . We are refugees - our place is not in custody. recent weeks many of our brothers were arrested by immigration police . , we ask ourselves when my turn ? when I would stop We are here to demand our rights . "
The player Uri Gottlieb said at that " if you have to work Bmkomcm will work for you. Them refugees and you wonderful people . Did not just hate you here in Israel. We love you ."
Yael Dayan , former Knesset member and chairman of Tel Aviv , told Haaretz " that" the amendment ( infiltrators ) does not pass the Supreme Court. Amendment that still means is prohibited without fault. These men are not guilty of anything, did nothing Rules . they are refugees, asylum seekers , not infiltrators and migrant workers . key word is freedom. should give them work permits . it is not at the expense of someone. opportunity to work this freedom - to make a living , the possibility to find an apartment , care for the children . "
Apart from the demonstration in Rabin Square , entitled " Freedom Rally " , asked the organizers to hold a march through the city but the police refused to approve it because of what was defined as an attack is expected routine . Tomorrow morning will be another gathering in Levinsky and subsequently contacting UNHCR and foreign embassies in Israel, please run the Israeli government pressure " to shoulder its responsibility towards asylum seekers ." According to data from the Immigration Authority , about 49 thousand Eritrean and Sudanese refugees currently staying in Israel .
" The last two weeks have been arrested across Tel Aviv - Hundreds of asylum seekers. Hundreds of others imprisoned for over two years in detention facilities ' crescents ' and ' to Blue without trial or release date ," reads a poster announcing the strike and protests expected . " The new amendment allows the confinement of one year , followed by indefinite detention without trial , a facility that Israel calls the open position , but it should be called a prison. Hundreds more are getting these days summons voluntarily facility , to Blue ."
Immigrants meeting held Monday night in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv
Immigrants meeting held Monday night in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv . Photo: Daniel Bar-On
Protest organizers called to cancel the new amendment to prevent infiltration , stop the arrests and to release all prisoners under the law , respect the Refugee Convention and examine fairly and transparently all asylum requests . "All have sinned is we fled political persecution , forced military service , dictatorship , civil war and genocide ," reads the poster.
" We do it because of the refugees here. We neglected , we are in prison. We ask human rights and call for recognition of refugees ," Kidney said Tuesday , a citizen of Eritrea . "All refugees sit together, think , organize and try to do something ," he said in a conversation with " country " one of the leaders of the initiative, Conde , a citizen of Sudan . " We will strike , became demonstrations . Seems what condition we get with this. Idea is to reach a state such that the government treat people . Against all the laws we left last time against refugees. Every door closed, people have no where to go, they have nothing to do . immigration police work all the time, catching people . going to the Interior Ministry to get a visa , there are long queues at the end did not get a visa. you on the street, catch you without a visa - you're going to jail. many of the people in prison now. We want to say that we deserve to live, we come to human rights . "
Eilat hotels apparent lack of workers , especially in light of the fact that Sunday is the day the evacuation of all hotel rooms and preparedness to absorb new guests . The absence of workers surprising impairs hotels prepare to receive new guests today.
Sit Shi , CEO of Eilat Hotel Association said this morning Haaretz " that" most of the foreign workers did not come to work this morning and the hotels are trying to organize through labor mobility service departments departments economy and cleanliness , and by returning workers freedom. This is not a catastrophe but certainly hits the level of service , especially in Eilat where you can not recruit immediately. "
Shi added that the strike " is definitely not too good employees. It will increase the motivation of the hotels look for alternatives rather than relying on employees refugees. On the one hand they demand and receive all the terms of employment of Israelis, on the other hand go on strike wild without letting deal length organization that does not accepted in Israel. it certainly puts the system problem . " Note that Eilat work permits are refugees .
Eilat Today, over 7,000 refugees and hotels employed about 1,500 of them, mostly chores and cleaning . Together hotel chain stopper morning that injured foreign workers is a network discusses its two hotels in the city. Lior Muchnik , CEO Dan Hotel Eilat had already decided in 2003 that the hotels it manages workers employed Israeli identity cards , who served in the military or new immigrants. "All 502 employees at the Dan Eilat are Israelis . This directive makes it difficult for HR departments recruiting but it is a very important value in the eyes and contributes to the different atmosphere in our hotels , " said Muchnik .
" Our departure strike is an act against employers but protest ," reads a press release issued by the human rights activists protest organizers . "We are aware of the risk at the exit to the strike , that we might lose our jobs and livelihood . This step is intended to clarify Society: We we fled for our lives because of the danger posed by countries of origin , we are asylum seekers . , Like anyone else , even we have to make a living to live with dignity - but the job is not reason why we came to Israel. " It also said that " the plight of the residents of neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv is not hidden from view . , We live in them , see the neglect of the streets, the tumor disproportionate number of residents in such a small area . Rights of Israeli residents are affected as a direct result of government policy that abandoned us during the year and threw us in South Tel Aviv without any struggle for survival . "
Many employers have decided to support the protest activities . For example, the cost of " inhaled Bar " Jaffa announced that in support of the Eritrean kitchen staff and develop general protest business day late. They called for workers to join the demonstration. Further work in a limited format and submit food for disposables . Appeal to other business owners write: " this strike , if a ceiling , hurt us for a few days , but it is also our opportunity to vote on the vital place of employees asylum seekers . This is our time to turn to the authorities and say - as long as these people here , we treat them Yours - giving them work permits and to give them basic rights . " Dozens of businesses announced that they would support a strike in various ways , including among other things, opening late and work partially .
In recent weeks, there were protests following the approval of the new amendment to prevent infiltration , opening a detention facility Sands and the arrest and imprisonment of many immigrants . On Sunday, three weeks ago , right after you sands facility , came from hundreds of migrants , marched to Beersheba and from Jerusalem. On Tuesday demonstrated outside the Prime Minister and the Knesset. During the demonstration in front of the Knesset arrested inspectors Immigration Authority 307 migrants using force . Half of them were transferred to prison crescents upon violation of conditions of stay and the rest were returned to the sands . Two days later , on Thursday , another walked out with the participation of 75 migrants , halted a few miles from the facility Sands . Once again arrested the marchers immigration inspectors using force. 55 of them were transferred to the crescents , and the rest were returned to the sands
Sanctions are held in protest against government policy , and according to the organizers also held demonstrations in the coming days , "All have sinned is we fled political persecution "
Tens of thousands of African immigrants participate morning ( Sunday ) at a demonstration in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to protest the government's policy towards them. Participants in the demonstration called "Yes to freedom , not jail." This morning also began a general strike proclaimed . Alongside immigrants , stood a few hundred Israelis, including schoolchildren from Tel Aviv. Eilat demonstrated in front of hundreds of immigrants in Kiryat government and some 1,500 employees did not show up at the hotel.
This weekend moved between migrants from Eritrea and Sudan all over the country knowing that there is no report to work today . The strike is expected to affect many businesses including mainly restaurants , cafes, hotels and cleaning companies employing immigrants . Towards the strike took place the night before a big meeting of the immigrant community in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv . Initiative leaders have announced that in the coming days are expected protests .
Dwight DMOZ , a citizen of Eritrea 27, and the leaders of the protest spoke at the demonstration in Tel Aviv , saying that " we will continue our fight urn government hear our voices . We continue the march of freedom of our brothers that are back in prison. They came to Israel to seek asylum , and instead check out the asylum application their state of Israel says that they and we criminals. recent weeks refugees persecuted streets. we're afraid to leave the house . " DMOZ added: " We did not come here to work or to be here all our life. Once the difficult situation in our country change we go back to our country ."
Participants in the demonstration in Rabin Square this morning
Participants in the demonstration in Rabin Square this morning. Photo: Daniel Bar-On
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Infiltration Law amended : the same constitutional defects as the previous 10/12/2013 | 10:12
Arad 's Sudanese students and employees , but also the way to prison 03/01/2014 | 02:00
Somaya , an immigrant from Sudan, 22, turned her speech to the Israeli government : " We ask the Israeli authorities why the facility Sands called the facility is open, if it is managed by the prison authorities and is in the desert, far from any town ? Our brothers locked at night and are required to report to AD three times a day . We are refugees - our place is not in custody. recent weeks many of our brothers were arrested by immigration police . , we ask ourselves when my turn ? when I would stop We are here to demand our rights . "
The player Uri Gottlieb said at that " if you have to work Bmkomcm will work for you. Them refugees and you wonderful people . Did not just hate you here in Israel. We love you ."
Yael Dayan , former Knesset member and chairman of Tel Aviv , told Haaretz " that" the amendment ( infiltrators ) does not pass the Supreme Court. Amendment that still means is prohibited without fault. These men are not guilty of anything, did nothing Rules . they are refugees, asylum seekers , not infiltrators and migrant workers . key word is freedom. should give them work permits . it is not at the expense of someone. opportunity to work this freedom - to make a living , the possibility to find an apartment , care for the children . "
Apart from the demonstration in Rabin Square , entitled " Freedom Rally " , asked the organizers to hold a march through the city but the police refused to approve it because of what was defined as an attack is expected routine . Tomorrow morning will be another gathering in Levinsky and subsequently contacting UNHCR and foreign embassies in Israel, please run the Israeli government pressure " to shoulder its responsibility towards asylum seekers ." According to data from the Immigration Authority , about 49 thousand Eritrean and Sudanese refugees currently staying in Israel .
" The last two weeks have been arrested across Tel Aviv - Hundreds of asylum seekers. Hundreds of others imprisoned for over two years in detention facilities ' crescents ' and ' to Blue without trial or release date ," reads a poster announcing the strike and protests expected . " The new amendment allows the confinement of one year , followed by indefinite detention without trial , a facility that Israel calls the open position , but it should be called a prison. Hundreds more are getting these days summons voluntarily facility , to Blue ."
Immigrants meeting held Monday night in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv
Immigrants meeting held Monday night in Levinsky Park in South Tel Aviv . Photo: Daniel Bar-On
Protest organizers called to cancel the new amendment to prevent infiltration , stop the arrests and to release all prisoners under the law , respect the Refugee Convention and examine fairly and transparently all asylum requests . "All have sinned is we fled political persecution , forced military service , dictatorship , civil war and genocide ," reads the poster.
" We do it because of the refugees here. We neglected , we are in prison. We ask human rights and call for recognition of refugees ," Kidney said Tuesday , a citizen of Eritrea . "All refugees sit together, think , organize and try to do something ," he said in a conversation with " country " one of the leaders of the initiative, Conde , a citizen of Sudan . " We will strike , became demonstrations . Seems what condition we get with this. Idea is to reach a state such that the government treat people . Against all the laws we left last time against refugees. Every door closed, people have no where to go, they have nothing to do . immigration police work all the time, catching people . going to the Interior Ministry to get a visa , there are long queues at the end did not get a visa. you on the street, catch you without a visa - you're going to jail. many of the people in prison now. We want to say that we deserve to live, we come to human rights . "
Eilat hotels apparent lack of workers , especially in light of the fact that Sunday is the day the evacuation of all hotel rooms and preparedness to absorb new guests . The absence of workers surprising impairs hotels prepare to receive new guests today.
Sit Shi , CEO of Eilat Hotel Association said this morning Haaretz " that" most of the foreign workers did not come to work this morning and the hotels are trying to organize through labor mobility service departments departments economy and cleanliness , and by returning workers freedom. This is not a catastrophe but certainly hits the level of service , especially in Eilat where you can not recruit immediately. "
Shi added that the strike " is definitely not too good employees. It will increase the motivation of the hotels look for alternatives rather than relying on employees refugees. On the one hand they demand and receive all the terms of employment of Israelis, on the other hand go on strike wild without letting deal length organization that does not accepted in Israel. it certainly puts the system problem . " Note that Eilat work permits are refugees .
Eilat Today, over 7,000 refugees and hotels employed about 1,500 of them, mostly chores and cleaning . Together hotel chain stopper morning that injured foreign workers is a network discusses its two hotels in the city. Lior Muchnik , CEO Dan Hotel Eilat had already decided in 2003 that the hotels it manages workers employed Israeli identity cards , who served in the military or new immigrants. "All 502 employees at the Dan Eilat are Israelis . This directive makes it difficult for HR departments recruiting but it is a very important value in the eyes and contributes to the different atmosphere in our hotels , " said Muchnik .
" Our departure strike is an act against employers but protest ," reads a press release issued by the human rights activists protest organizers . "We are aware of the risk at the exit to the strike , that we might lose our jobs and livelihood . This step is intended to clarify Society: We we fled for our lives because of the danger posed by countries of origin , we are asylum seekers . , Like anyone else , even we have to make a living to live with dignity - but the job is not reason why we came to Israel. " It also said that " the plight of the residents of neighborhoods in south Tel Aviv is not hidden from view . , We live in them , see the neglect of the streets, the tumor disproportionate number of residents in such a small area . Rights of Israeli residents are affected as a direct result of government policy that abandoned us during the year and threw us in South Tel Aviv without any struggle for survival . "
Many employers have decided to support the protest activities . For example, the cost of " inhaled Bar " Jaffa announced that in support of the Eritrean kitchen staff and develop general protest business day late. They called for workers to join the demonstration. Further work in a limited format and submit food for disposables . Appeal to other business owners write: " this strike , if a ceiling , hurt us for a few days , but it is also our opportunity to vote on the vital place of employees asylum seekers . This is our time to turn to the authorities and say - as long as these people here , we treat them Yours - giving them work permits and to give them basic rights . " Dozens of businesses announced that they would support a strike in various ways , including among other things, opening late and work partially .
In recent weeks, there were protests following the approval of the new amendment to prevent infiltration , opening a detention facility Sands and the arrest and imprisonment of many immigrants . On Sunday, three weeks ago , right after you sands facility , came from hundreds of migrants , marched to Beersheba and from Jerusalem. On Tuesday demonstrated outside the Prime Minister and the Knesset. During the demonstration in front of the Knesset arrested inspectors Immigration Authority 307 migrants using force . Half of them were transferred to prison crescents upon violation of conditions of stay and the rest were returned to the sands . Two days later , on Thursday , another walked out with the participation of 75 migrants , halted a few miles from the facility Sands . Once again arrested the marchers immigration inspectors using force. 55 of them were transferred to the crescents , and the rest were returned to the sands
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