Thursday, August 28, 2014

የሰማሁት ለጆሮ ይዘገንናል (እየሩሳሌም አርአያ)

እየሩሳሌም አርአያ

እየሩሳሌም አርአያ
ከአንድ ሰው ጋር ለረጅም ሰአት አወራን። ይህ ኤርትራዊ (ያደገው ኢትዮጵያ ነው) ከነወ/ስላሴ፣ መላኩ ፈንታ፣ ገ/ዋህድ ..ሌሎች ጋር “ኔትዎርክ” እያለ የሚጠራው የዘረፋ ቡድን አባል ነበር። የዘረፋው ዋነኛ መሪዎች፣ የኋላ ደጀኖችና የጥቅም ተካፋዮች ከሆኑት አዜብ መስፍንና በረከት ስሞኦን ይጠቀሳሉ። ለ15 አመት እንዴት አገሪቷን እንደተቀራመቷት ሲናገር መስማት ይዘገንናል። የሚገርመው መለስ ዜናዊ በሚገባ ይህን የዘረፋ ኔትዎርክ አሳምረው ማወቃቸው ነው። ከአንድ ባለስልጣን በቀር ሁሉም እስከአንገቱ በሙስና ተጨማልቋል፣ በሃብት ደልቧል ይላል። በቀድሞ የኮሜኒኬሽን ሚ/ር የተፃፈውን መፅሐፍ በተመለከተ ሲናገር « ስለዘረፋ ሩብ ያክል አልተፃፈም። እንዳውም አልፃፈም ማለት እችላለሁ። መጠነ ሰፊና ተከታታይ መፅሐፍ ሊወጣው የሚችል ዘረፋ (ሙስና) ተፈፅሟል፤ ገ/ዋህድ ቤት የተገኘው የሚሊዮኖች ኖት ሁሉም ባለስልጣን ዘንድ መጠባበቂያ ተብሎ የሚቀመጥ በመሆኑ አይገርምም። ዋናው ገንዘብ እኮ አልተነካም! የሁሉም ባለስልጣን ገንዘብ አገር ውስጥ የለም..» ይላል።
ይህ ኔትዎርክ እንዲበጣጠስ የተደረገው በበረከት ስሞኦን ሲሆን ይህን በማድረግ ስልጣናቸውን ታድገዋል ሲል ያክላል። ..አሜሪካ ሸሽቶ የመጣው ይህ ሰው ለረጅም ሰዓታት ያወጋኝን በጥቂት ገፆች ፅፌ የምጨርሰው አይደለም። ከዚህ ይልቅ በኢሳት ወጥቶ ቢናገር ሁሉም ወገን የዝችን አገር መሪዎች ጉድ ሊያውቅ ይችላል ብዬ አስብኩ። አንዳንድ የሚጨርሳቸው ጉዳዮች ስላሉ እነሱን ካስተካከለ በኋላ በሚዲያ እንዲወጣ ለማድረግ ይሞከራል። .

የልደታ ፍርድ ቤት 19ኛ ወንጀል ችሎት የዞን9 ጦማርያኑን እና የጋዜጠኞቹን የዋስትና ጥያቄ ውድቅ አደረገ Aug.22.2014

ስድስቱን የዞን ዘጠኝ አባላት ማለትም በፍቃዱ ኃይሉ፣ አቤል ዋበላ፣ ማኅሌት ፋታሁን፣ ናትናኤል ፈለቀ፣ ዘላለም ክብረት እና አጥናፍ ብርሃነ እንዲሁም በሌለችበት ክሷ እየታየ ያለው በሶልያና ሽመልስ እንዲሁም በጋዜጠኞቹ ኤዶም ካሳዬ፣ ተስፋለም ወልደየስ እና አስማማው ኃ/ጊዮርጊስ በልደታ 19ኛው የወንጀል ችሎት ዛሬ ጠዋት የተሰየመ ሲሆን ከሙስሊም ኮሚቴ አመራሮች ጋር በአንድ ችሎት እንዲታደሙ በመደረጉ የታሳሪዎችን ቤተሰቦችም ሆነ ወዳጆችን ለማስተናገድ ቦታ የለም በሚል ለጋዜጠኞች ብቻ የፍርድ ሂደቱ እንዲታይ በፖሊስ ተፈቅዶ ነበር፡፡

በሌለችበት የተከሰሰችው ሶልያና ሽመልስ መጥሪያ በጋዜጣ መውጣቱን ፍርድ ቤቱ ያረጋገጠ ሲሆን የዋስትና መብትን በተመለከተ በዛሬው ዕለት ተሰይሞ የነበረው ችሎት በጸረ ሽብር አዋጁ መሰረት በአንቀጽ 3 የሽብር ተግባራት ተብለው ከተዘረዘሩት ውስጥ አንድም ወይም ሁለትም ከዚያም በላይ ወንጀል የፈጸመ መሆኑ ወይም ለመፈጸም ያቀደ ለመሆኑ ተገልጾ ክስ ሲቀርብ ነው በተመሰረተባቸው ክስ ዋስትናን ሊያሳጣቸው የሚችለው ብለው ጠበቆቻቸው የተከራከሩ ሲሆን ደንበኞቻቸው በአዋጁ መሰረት የሰሩት የሽብር ተግባር ክስ አልቀረበባቸውም ስለዚህ በአዋጁ ተጠቀሰ ማለት በአዋጁ መሰረት ክስ ቀርቧል ማለት ስለማይቻል የዋስትናው ጥያቄ በመደበኛ ስርዓት እንጂ በጸረ­ሽብር ሕጉ መሰረት ሊታይ አይገባም፤ በተጨማሪም አዋጁ ፡፡

ዋስትና ይከለክላል ተብሎ ቢተረጎምም ከሕገ­መንግስቱ ጋር ስለሚጋጭ ዋስትና ሊፈቀድላቸው ይገባል ቢሉም፤ ፍርድ ቤቱ አንቀጽ ተጠቅሶ መከሰሳቸውን እንጂ በዚህ መከሰስ ነበረባቸው ወይም አልነበረባቸውም ብሎ ለማየት ፍርድ ቤቱ አይገደድም እንዲሁም የጸረ­ሽብር አዋጁ ከሕገ­መንግስቱ ጋር አይጋጭም ብለዋል በዚሁም መሰረት የዋስትና ጥያቄውን ውድቅ ተደርጎ ለጥቅምት 5 ቀን 2007ዓ.ም ቀጠሮ በመስጠት የዛሬው ችሎት የተጠናቀቀ ሲሆን ጠበቆቻቸውም የዋስትና ጉዳይ በተመለከተ ለጠቅላይ ፍረድ ቤት ይግባኝ እንደሚያቀርቡም ታውቋል፡፡

ችሎት ውስጥ መግባት የቻሉት ጥቂት ጋዜጠኞች እና ጉዳዩን ለመታዘብ የተገኙ ዲፕሎማቶች ብቻ ናቸው፡፡ በቦታው በመገኘት አጋርነታችሁን ላሳያችሁ ሁሉ ከፍ ያለ ምስጋናችን ይድረሳችሁ፡፡

13 የኢትዮጵያ ከፍተኛ የመንግስት ባለስልጣኖች እና የጦር መኮንኖች በስዊዲን አለም አቀፍ የጦር ፍርድ ቤት ክስ ተመሰረተባቸው

13 የኢትዮጵያ ከፍተኛ የመንግስት ባለስልጣኖች እና የጦር መኮንኖች በስዊዲን አለም አቀፍ የጦር ፍርድ ቤት ክስ ተመሰረተባቸው

አስራ ሶስት የኢትዮጵያ ከፍተኛ የመንግስት ባለስልጣኖች እና የጦር መኮንኖች በስዊዲን ሀገር በሚገኘው አለም አቀፍ የጦር ፍርድ ቤት በስዊዲን ከፍተኛ ጠበቆች ክስ ተመሰረተባቸው። እነዚህ ተከሳሾች በግድያ፣ አስገድዶ በመድፈር፣ በስቃይ እንዲሁም ሰዎችን በህገወጥ መንገድ ማሰርና ማሰቃየት እና በሌሎች ተመሳሳይ ወንጀሎች ክስ ተመስርቶባቸዋል። ክሱንም አለም አቀፍ የወንጀል ምርመራ ፓሊስ መረከቡ ታውቋል። ጉዳት ለደረሰባቸው ኢትዮጵያውያንም የአንድ መቶ ሰላሳ ሚሊዮን የስዊዲን ክሮነት ካሳ ተጠይቆባቸዋል። ክስ የተመሰረተባቸው ተከሳሾች ስም ዝርዝር እንደሚከተለው ቀርቧል።

የክስ መዝገቡ ሲቀርብ

1    አቶ አርከበ እቁባይ
2    አቶ አባዱላ ገመዳ
3    አቶ በረከት ሰምኦን
4    አቶ ሳሞራ የኑስ
5    አቶ አባይ ፀሀዬ
6    አቶ ጌታቸው አሰፋ
7   ሌ/ጀነራል ታደሰ ወረደ
8   አቶ ሀሰን ሽፋ
9   አቶ ሙሉጌታ በርሄ
10 አቶ ነጋ በርሄ
11  አቶ ወርቅነህ ገበየሁ
12 ኮማንደር ሰመረ እና አንድ ስማቸው ያልተገለፀ ሰው ይገኙበታል። ዜናውን ለመስማት ሊንኩን ይጫኑ

ያልተገራው ገሪ …. ኢቲቪ (ጌታቸው ሺፈራው)

በጌታቸው ሺፈራው
ህወሓት/ኢህአዴግ ስልጣን ከያዘበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ እንደ ደቡብ አፍሪካ ያሉ አገራት ነጻነታቸውን አግኝተው የዓለም ቀጣይ ኃያል አገራትን ተቀላቅለዋል፡፡ አብዛኛው የዓለም ማህበረሰብ ዴሞክራሲያዊ በሆኑ ስርዓቶች ለመተዳደር እድል አግኝቷል፡፡ ህወሓት/ኢህአዴግ ግን ስልጣን ከያዘ ማግስት በህግ ፈቀድኩት ያለውን የሚዲያ ነጻነትን ጨምሮ በማፈን፣ በዛው በርሃ ውስጥ በነበረው ‹‹ውርጋጥነቱ›› ቀጥሏል፡፡ አሁንም ቢሆን ‹‹ሲቪል›› ነኝ ብሎ የሚያስበው በአፈሙዝ ነው፡፡ በአንድ በኩል ዴሞክራትነቱን እያስወራ በተግባር ግን የአምባገነኖች ቁንጮ ሆኖ ቀጥሏል፡፡ በአጠቃላይ በርሃ ከነበረበትም በባሰ አሁንም እንዳፈተተው በኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ ስልጣኑን የሚያስጠብቅለትን እርምጃ መውሰዱን ቀጥሏል፡፡ ኢህአዴግ አልተገራም፡፡
safe_imageእንዲያም ሆኖ ግን ሌሎቹን ስለ መግራት ያወራል፡፡ ትናንትና ማታ (ነሐሴ 19/2006) በልሳኑ ያሳየው ‹‹ያልተገሩ ብዕሮች›› የተሰኘ ፊልም የሚያሳየውም ይህንን ከአለ-አቅም መንጠራራትን ነው፡፡ ኃይሌና ገና በጋዜጠኝነት ተመረቁ የተባሉ ወጣቶች የእነ ፕሮፌሰር መስፍንን፣ የእነ ዶክተር በድሉ ዋቅጅራን፣ የእነ ተመስገን ደሳለኝን፣ የእነ ዓለማየሁ ገላጋይን ብዕር ‹‹ሊገሩ›› ሲፍጨረጨሩ ማየት በእጅጉ የሚያስገርም ነው፡፡
ሲያሸንፍም በስሜት የዘለልንለት፣ ሲሸነፍ የተሸነፍንለት የድሮው አትሌት ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ከስርዓቱ ጋር አብሮ ‹‹ሚዲያ ኑክሊየር ነው!›› ሲል ‹‹አጥፊነቱን›› መስክሯል፡፡ በእርግጥ ኃይሌ በህዝብ ላይ ሲቀልድ ይህ የመጀመሪያው አይደለም፡፡ ከአመት በፊት በሰይፉ ፋንታሁን የሬዲዮ ፕሮግራም ላይ ስለ መምህራን የደሞዝ ጭማሬ ተጠይቆ የመምህራኖቹ የደምወዝ ጭማሬ ቅብጠት መሆኑን ተናግሯል፡፡ ከአንድ አስተማማኝ የመረጃ ምንጭ እንዳገኘሁት ከሆነ ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ለስርዓቱ አፋኝነትም በግልጽ ድጋፉን እያሳየ እንደሚገኝ ነው፡፡ የመረጃ ምንጩ እንደጠቀሰልኝ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ አባላት የሚታጎሩበት የካ ክፍለ ከተማ ፖሊስ መምሪያ ማስፋፊያ የተሰራው በኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ የገንዘብ እገዛ ነው፡፡ ለዚህ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ካቴና ከውጭ አገር ያስመጣውም ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ እንደሆነ ምንጩ ገልጾልኛል፡፡
በርካታ ኢንቨስትመንቶቹ በገዥው ፓርቲ ይሁንታ እንደሚቀጥሉ ያመነ የመሰለው ኃይሌ ትናንትናውም ቢሆን የስርዓቱ መሳሪያ ሆኖ ሚዲያውን ሲተች ያመሸው ከራሱ የኢኮኖሚ ጥቅም አንጻር ነው፡፡ ኃይሌ ከኑክሊየርም በላይ አፍራሽ ነው ያለውን ሚዲያ መተቸት የጀመረው በአንድ ዘገባ ምክንያት አንድ የውሃ ፋብሪካ መዘጋቱን በመግለጽ ነው፡፡ ኃይሌ ይህን ወደ ራሱ አስጠግቶ ሲያጠናክርም ‹‹በእኔ ላይ በመጻፉ ልጆቼ፣ ቤተሰቤ ያያሉ፡፡ በስሬ 1500 ሰራተኛ አለ፡፡ አዋሳ፣ ባህርዳር፣…ያሉት ሰራተኞችም ያዩታል፡፡ ሰራተኞችም ይህ ሰው ምን ነካው ይላሉ፡፡ ቢዝነስ ‹ኮላፕስ› ያደርጋል፡፡›› ሲል ነበር የገለጸው፡፡ እንግዲህ ገና የኃይሌ ልጅ ትሰማለች ተብሎ፣ ሰራተኞቹ ‹‹ምን ነካው!›› ስለሚሉ፣ ‹‹ቢዝነሱ ኮላፕስ›› ስለሚያደርግ ኃይሌ ምንም ያህል ቢያጠፋ ሚዲያው ትንፍሽ ላይል ነው ማለት ነው፡፡ ይህን የኃይሌን ሀሳብ የጋዜጠኝነት ትምህርት ቤት ውስጥ መምህር ነች የተባለችውም ‹‹የሰዎች ጓዳ (መቼስ ሚስጥር ማለቷ ነው) ሚዲያ ላይ መውጣት የለበትም፡፡›› ስትል ሀሳባቸውን ተሰብስበው የተስማሙበት አስመስላዋለች፡፡ በቃ ሚዲያ ሚስጥር የማውጣት ሚናውን በእነ ኃይሌ ዳኝነት ተቀማ ማለት ነው፡፡ እነ ኃይሌና ዶክተር አሸብር ለስርዓቱ ክንድ በሆኑበት በዛው ፊልም ላይ ካሳ ተከፍሏቸዋል፡፡ ለዚህም ነው ‹‹ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ሊወዳደር ነው፣ ዶ/ር አሸብር አምባገነን ነው›› የሚሉ ዜናዎችና ትችቶች ሳይቀር በአጥፊነት የተፈረጁላቸው፡፡
ሚዲያ ከሌለው መንግስት ይልቅ መንግስት የሌለው ሚዲያ ይሻላል የሚል መርህ የሚከተሉትን የእንግሊዝና የአሜሪካን ዴሞክራሲ አውቀዋለሁ ያለው ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ‹‹ጦር ከፈታው ወሬ የፈታው›› በሚል ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለው ሚዲያ ‹‹ያልተገራ›› በመሆኑ በሚያሳስብ መልኩ ያ ስቅስቅ ብሎ ያለቀሰለትን ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ‹‹ራዕይ›› እናስጠብቃለን የሚሉ አካላት እርምጃ እንዲወስዱ ፍርደ-ገምድልነቱን አሳይቷል፡፡
ስርዓቱን የማዳን እርብርብ
በዚህ ፊልም ላይ ስለ ሰራዊት ፍቅሬ የፍቅር ደብዳቤ መጻፍ፣ በሞቅታ ስለሚጨፍሩት አርቲስቶች አስተያየት መስጠት በአውዳሚነት አስፈርጇል፡፡ ይህ የሆነው እነዚህ ‹‹ልማታዊ አርቲስቶች›› ያልተገራው ስርዓቱ ቅቡልነት እንዲያገኝ ሳይታክቱ የሚሰሩ በመሆናቸው ነው፡፡ ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ‹‹አባይ ለፕሮፖጋንዳ አይዋል›› ማለት ብሄራዊ ደህንነትን ተጻርሮ የቆመ አስመስሏል፡፡ ከምንም በላይ ስርዓቱ ለስልጣኑ መሰረት አድርጎ የሚወስዳቸው አንጓዎች በሚዲያው ሊነኩ የማይገባ ‹‹ቀይ መስመሮች›› ተደርገው ማስጠንቀቂያ ተሰጥቶባቸዋል፡፡ መቼም አንድ ተቃዋሚ መንግስትን የተቆጣጠረውን ፓርቲ ከስልጣን አውርዶ መንግስት ለመሆነ ነው የሚሰራው፡፡ ያልተገራው ‹‹መንግስት›› መሳሪያ የሆኑትና እነሱም ከስርዓቱ ጋር በጥቅም ከመጋራታቸው ውጭ የተገራ ነገር ያልታየባቸው ነገር ግን የተገሩትን ሲያጣምሙ የታዩት የፊልሙ ሰሪዎች ግን ‹‹ህዝብ ሌላ መንግስት ለማየት ፍላጎት አለው›› የሚለውን ከኑክሊየርም በላይ አጥፊ ነው ብለው ፈርጀውታል፡፡ ጋዜጠኝነት ‹‹በራዲካል ሮል›› ፖሊሲ የማስቀየር ሚና አለው ብለው ሳይጨርሱ ‹‹የብሄር ፌደራሊዝሙ እርምት ያስፈልገዋል›› የሚልን መካሪ ጽሁፍ በአሉታዊነት ለፈውታል፡፡ የ‹‹ብሄር ፖለቲካው›› ላይ ምንም አይነት ትችት መቅረብ የለበትም አይነት ያልተገራ አቋማቸውን ዳግመኛ አሳይተውበታል፡፡ ጠባብ አለመሆናቸውን ማሳመን ሲያቅታቸው ጠባብነታቸውን የሚተቹትን ሚዲያዎች ያልተገሩ ሲሉ ወርፈዋቸዋል፡፡ እነሱ አንዳንድ ተቋማት ስለ ‹‹መንግስት›› ያወጧቸውን መልካም የሚባሉ ነገሮች አመት ሙሉ እንደማይደጋግሙ ዓለም አቀፍ ተቋማት ስለ ድህነት፣ የመፈንቅለ መንግስት ስጋትና ሌሎችም ጉዳዮች ላይ ያወጧቸውን ሪፖርቶች የግል ሚዲያው እንዳያወጣ ቅድመ ክልከላ አውጀዋል፡፡ ማጎሪያ ቤት ውስጥ ያለውን ስቃይ ማስተባበል ሲያቅታቸው ‹‹ማረሚያ የሚያስፈልገው ማረሚያ ቤት›› የተሰኘን መካሪ ጽሁፍ በህገ ወጥነት ፈርጀውታል፡፡
ኢህአዴግ የውድቀት ዋዜማ፣ ኢትዮጵያ ለምን አሚሶንን ተቀላቀለች? ፍትህ በሌለበት የፍትህ ሳምንት፣ ለአክራሪነት አስተማሪው ማን ነው? ለተሰኙት መልስ መስጠት ሲያቅታቸው፣ እውነት ሆኖ እንቅልፍ ሲነሳቸው በጸረ ሽብር ህጉ አውድ አሸባሪ ብለው ፈርጀዋቸዋል፡፡ በጣም የሚገርመው አብዛኛዎቹ ጽሁፎች በጥያቄ የቀረቡና ኢህአዴግን ብቻ ሳይሆን የተለያዩ አካላትን ተጠያቂ የሚያደርጉ ሲሆኑ ኢህአዴግ ግን ቀድሞ ‹‹እኔን ነው›› ብሎ ለራሱ ወስዷቸዋል፡፡ ሚዲያው ገለልተኝነቱን እያሳየም ቢሆን እነሱ የአንድ አካል አፈ ቀላጤ ይሉታል፡፡ ለዚህ እንደ ማስረጃ ያቀረቡት ደግሞ ‹‹ማንን እንመን?›› በሚል የወጣን አንድ ጽሁፍ ነው፡፡ ይህ ጽሁፍ ዶ/ር ብርሃኑንና በረከት ስምዖንን ያፋጠጠ ጽሁፍ ነው፡፡ ከሁለቱ አካላት ማንንን እንመን ተብሎ በማነጻጸሪያነት የወጣውን ይህን ጽሁፍ ራሱን የማያምነው ኢህአዴግ ‹‹እኔን ነው የማያምኑኝ›› ብሎ ጥፋቱን ቀድሞ ወስዶ ‹‹የአንድ አካል አፈቀላጤ ሆነዋል›› ሲል ይከሳል፡፡
በአጠቃላይ ‹‹ያልተገሩ ብዕሮች›› በሚል የቀረበው ፊልም የኢህአዴግን ፖሊሲ መተቸት ህገ ወጥነት እንደሆነ የታየበት፣ የስርዓቱ ዋና ዋና የስልጣን ማቆያ ፖሊሲዎችን መንካት ስርዓቱን ሊያፈራርሰው እንደሚችል ባልተገራ አንደበት የተነገረበት ፊልም ነው፡፡ በፊልሙ ተዋናይ የሆኑት አካላት እዛው ፊልሙ ላይ ‹‹ፌቨር›› እየተሰራላቸው በትውልዱ ላይ ሲፈርዱ ስርዓቱን ለማዳን እርብርብ ላይ እንደሆኑ በግልጽ ለማየት ተችሏል፡፡ ሁሉንም ነገር ከኢኮኖሚ አንጻር ሲቃኝ ያመሸው አትሌት ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ ‹‹ጦርነት ከፈታው ወሬ የፈታው›› በሚል ኃይል በእጁ ለሆነው ያልተገራ ስርዓት በቅኔ እርምጃ እንዲወስድ አሳስቧል፡፡ የስፖርት ጋዜጦች ድረስ ተሂዶ የተደረጉበት ጥቃቅን ትችቶች በህገ ወጥነት የተፈረጁለት ዶክተር አሸብር በግልጽ አገልጋይነቱንና ስርዓቱን ለማዳን የቆመ መሆኑን አሳይቷል፡፡ ፓርላማ ላይ ኢትዮጵያ ምንም አይነት ጥቅም ሳታገኝ ለጅቡቲ ውሃ የሚለግሰውን አዋጅ ከተቃወሙት መካከል ዶክተሩ አንዱ እንደነበሩ በሚዲያ ተገልጾ የነበር ቢሆንም ዶክተሩ ግን ስለ አዋጁ ያላቸውን ይሁንታ ሲገልጹ ‹‹ከእኛ ጋር ሳይደርስ ለምን አይጸድቅም?›› የሚል ጥያቄ አቅርበው እንደነበር ገልጸዋል፡፡ የህዝብ ተወካይ ነኝ ብሎ አንድን ህግ ‹‹ፓርላማ ሳይመጣ ለምን ራሱ ኢህአዴግ አያጸድቀውም›› ማለት ስርዓቱን ለማዳን እርብርብ ላይ መሆናቸውን የሚያሳይ ነው፡፡
በአጠቃላይ በፊልሙ ላይ በአሉታዊነት የተፈረጁት ጽሁፎች ቢበዛ መካሪ ቢሆኑ እንጂ ይህ ነው የሚባል ‹‹አለመገራት›› አይታይባቸውም፡፡ ነገር ግን ባለመገራቱ ሳይነካ የሚደነብረውን ስርዓት ይበልጡን የሚያስበረግጉ መሆናቸው የሚያስገርም አይሆንም፡፡
እነ ኃይሌ ዴሞክራሲን አይቼባቸዋለሁ ባሏቸው አገራት ሚዲያ አራተኛ የመንግስት አካል ቢሆንም ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሶስቱ የመንግስት አካላትም ሆነ መንግስት ባለመኖሩ አራተኛ መንግስት ሊሆን አልቻለም፡፡ ከዚህ ይልቅ መንግስት በሌለበት፣ ካልተገራ ዘመናዊ የቤተ መንግስት ወንበዴ ጋር ግብ ግብ የሚገጥም ብቸኛው የመንግስት አካል ሆኖ ለማገልገል ጥረት ሲያደርግ ቆይቷል፡፡ ይህ ደግሞ መንግስትም ሆነ የመንግስት አካላት እንዳይኖሩ የሚፈልገውንና ልጥ ሲያይ እባብ ነው ብሎ የሚደነብር ያልተገራ ስርዓት እጅጉን አስደንብሮታል፡፡ ስለ ተገራና ስላልተገራ ብዕር ይህ ነው የሚባል እውቀት የሌላቸው፣ የማያገባቸው እነ ኃይሌም ያልተገራው ስርዓት ጋር የተጋሩትን ጥቅም ለማስጠበቅ ሲሉ ስርዓቱ በሚዲያው ላይ እርግጫውን በመሰንዘር እራሱን እንዲያድን እርብርብ አድርገዋል፡፡ የእነ ኃይሌ ምክር ስርዓቱ እንደለመደው እንዲራገጥ የሚገፋፋ ቢሆንም ማዳን አለማዳኑንም ሆነ እነሱ በትውልዱ ላይ እየፈጸሙት ያለውን በደል ግን ታሪክ የሚፈርደው ይሆናል፡፡
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Kenyan police discover Getachew and Debretsion behind the killing of Ethiopians in Kenya Post a reply 25 Aug 2014, 02:18

Kenyan police have discovered that the Ethiopian ruling party's secret police headed by Getachew Assefa and Debretsion Gebremichael is behind the recent serial killing of Ethiopians in Kenya, according to the following report by Standard Digital. 

[TPLF intelligence chief Debretsion Gebremichael]

Ethiopian clashes blamed for spate of killings in the Kenyan town of Garissa 


On the afternoon of June 9, an unlikely incident in Garrissa helped to reveal the faces and reasons behind a spate of mysterious killings that have rocked the county. That afternoon, a man approached Hassan Yusuf Intabur in his shop on Guled Street in Garissa Town, pulled out a gun concealed in his right hip, and shot him in the head. The gunman then pumped seven more rounds into Intabur’s body until his gun jammed. When this happened, members of the public who had taken cover spotted an opportunity to apprehend the suspect. But the attacker had another weapon. From a plastic paper bag he was carrying, he fished out a grenade, removed the pin and hurled it towards the crowd that was surging towards him. However, his backup failed him, too. The grenade landed softly in the soil, and failed to detonate. With nothing left to thwart the mob, the attacker took off on foot, with wananchi hot on his heels. There was pandemonium in the town as the crowd pursued the attacker who, though fleet-footed, seemed a stranger to the town since he did not know seem to know where to escape to. They eventually caught up with him, tackled him to the ground, and gave him a thorough beating before the police arrived to save him from imminent death. 

With his capture, the police achieved a rare breakthrough in solving a string of killings that had rocked Garrisa since June. Furthermore, the breakthrough uncovered a vicious war of attrition being fought by the Ethiopian government against one of its secessionist movements. 

Garissa, a small sand-swept town 350 kilometres east of Nairobi, had become the unlikely hunting ground for Addis Ababa’s special forces against the separatists. When questioned by the police, the attacker, who neither spoke English nor Kiswahili, identified himself through an interpreter as Abdirahman Mohammed Hajir, a chief inspector of police in the Somali regional government of Ethiopia. This is a southern part of Ethiopia dominated by ethnic Somalis. A rebel movement from the area has been fighting to secede from Ethiopia since 1984. The region is also alternately known as Ogaden, or Western Somalia, and the main rebel group is the Ogaden National Liberation Front ( ONLF). 

For years, Addis Ababa has sought to destroy the group through brutal repression, resulting in the scattering of the movement’s members to neighbouring countries and beyond. Hajir told the Kenyan police that he was a member of the Special Police Force, or the Liyu in Amharic, a feared paramilitary unit mainly dedicated to fighting the separatists. This force was once headed by Abdi Mohamoud Omar, the current president of the Somali Regional Government, and who is staunchly against ONLF. Also known as Abdi Ilay, he is a prominent member of Ethiopian Somali People Democratic Party (ESPD), and longtime close ally of former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. 

Although he never implicated any of his superiors, Hajir said he had been given orders to carry out a revenge mission for the killing of one of their supporters in Garissa. 

“It was an incredible tale, almost too difficult to believe,” said Musa Yego, the North Eastern regional director of the Criminal Investigations Department. “For a long time, we were at a loss on what was happening. We thought it was Al Shabab, but the killings seemed targeted, and it was unlike the group to carry out attacks in broad daylight.” The pressure from the Government to find an answer to the killings was mounting with each attack in the county. 

Garissa has been the worst hit by a spate of terrorist attacks and unexplained killings that have claimed tens of lives. “We have already done much to battle insecurity here. But because these attacks happened almost at the same time as the ones in Lamu, we were under great pressure to bring the culprits to book,” Yego said.

The genesis of the situation they were trying to resolve goes back to the evening of June 1, when an unknown gunman shot Sheikh Abdi Rashid in Garissa. The elderly furniture businessman was coming from evening prayers when his life was snuffed out by five bullets to the chest. He was among the well-known scholars of Muslim sacred law and theology in the county, and he sometimes preached at Jamia Mosque in Garissa during Ramadan. But Rashid was something else besides being a preacher and a businessman; he was a staunch supporter of the pro-Addis Ababa regional government in Ogaden. He was a founding member of the Union of Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF), which supports the Ogaden government, and is said to have moved to Garissa in 1996. Furthermore, he was a distant relative and a close friend of Ogaden’s President Abdi Mohamud Omar. Rashid apparently never cut ties with his original home. 

The ONLF leadership accuses him of being behind the arrest and harassment of their members and sympathizers in Garissa and other parts of the former North Eastern Province. “He was responsible for inciting the Kenyan police to arrest many of our members in Garissa in 2011,” said Ahmed Farah Mohamud, a member of ONLF and the president of the Ogaden Refugee Council based in Nairobi. “He was a hardliner who took much joy in harassing our members and betraying them to the Ethiopian forces just to please his paymasters,” said Mohamud. 

In 2012, Rashid survived an attack outside Guled Hotel in Garissa, which claimed the lives of two men. He escaped with a gunshot wound. Despite their obvious hatred of him, Mohammud said ONLF did not kill Rashid. Instead he accused the Ethiopian government of taking him out to justify a renewed reprisal against rebels in the diaspora. 

“The government drew up a list of 27 ONLF members it wanted eliminated. I am among those listed for elimination. The government needed an excuse to roll off its plan and it got one through the death of Sheikh Abdi Rashid,” claimed Mohamoud. 

Whatever the truth might be, the fact is that Rashid’s death unleashed a wave of counter-attacks that briefly confounded security officials and scared the people of Garissa. 

On the hot afternoon of June 17, another bizarre incident took place at Tawfiq Hotel, opposite Midnimo Supermarket on Guled Street. Midnimo means ‘unity’ in Somali. An ONLF sympathizer, Abdirashid Ali Bashir alias Gelkat, a taxi driver in Garissa, was having his meal at the hotel when three people walked in. One of them was Mohammed Dek, a first cousin of the slain Sheikh Abdi Rashid.

Gelkat did not know the other two people and quickly became suspicious. On an impulse, he grabbed Dek as gunshots broke the noontime calm. One of the two unidentified men was shooting at them while Gelkat used Dek as a human shield. At the end of the incident, Gelkat had been shot eight times in the abdomen while Dek, had been shot in the [deleted] several times. Their attacker took off into the town’s alleyways but not before accidentally dropping personal documents that identified him as Idriss Ali Qoys, a Liyu officer from Ogaden. 

The two injured men were taken to Garrisa General Hospital then airlifted by police helicopter to Nairobi for specialised treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital. 

Fearing further attacks on their man despite the heavy police presence, ONLF leaders in Nairobi moved Gelkat to the Aga Khan Hospital. Both men survived to tell their tales. Dek told the police he was alone, contrary to claims made by Gelkat, while the latter said when he saw his ‘enemy’ with strangers, he concluded that they were up to no good. 

On the evening of the day of the attack, Khader Ismail Mohammed Guhad, also a taxi driver and ONLF sympathiser, was arrested after members of the public spotted blood in his car. He told detectives that he was the one who took the two injured men to hospital. The police remanded him for further investigations until July 1, when he was released on bond. 

Guhad was shot dead by an unknown assailant that same evening outside Gateway Hotel, along Kismayo Road in Garissa. Investigators believe that two separate parties from the Liyu police carried out the attacks. The first one was a three-man team led by Idriss Ali Qoys. However, no one in this group was ever captured. 

Dek was in Ethiopia when his cousin Sheikh Abdi Rashid was killed, and he is believed to have come to Garissa with the hitmen. The Qoys group is said to have been behind the botched attempt to kill Gelkat. It is believed that they went underground after the botched operation and waited to ‘redeem’ themselves. They did so on July 1, by killing Guhad, and then left the town. Hajir told investigators that he traveled from Ethiopia through the Kenyan border at Moyale on June 28, with two other colleagues from the Liyu unit. He told CID officers in Garissa that he arrived in Eastleigh, Nairobi, on July 1, before proceeding to Garissa for the mission. He said he was hired in Ethiopia to execute the revenge mission for $800 (about Sh70,000) by people he said he did not know. He had been paid $200 (Sh18,000) for food and travel expenses. He was to be paid in full in Garissa after the hit, at one of the informal Somali money transfer shops known as hawala. Police officers later raided the shop and closed it down.

For the better part of the last two weeks, detectives have been tracking down a man who is said to have traveled from Ethiopia for another attack. He is said to have entered the country through Moyale, like Hajir, and was in constant communication with four other men in Eastleigh. But investigators said that they lost trail of the suspect after laying an ambush for a week. “Somebody seems to have tipped him off on the fact that we were monitoring his calls,” said Yego. 

On August 3, at around 1:30am, the Kenya police arrested a chief of inspector of police with the Liyu unit called Abdi Abdullahi at a hotel in Eastleigh. ONLF members accuse him of killing one of their top officials, Abdirazak Mohammed Abdi, at the Dadaab refugee camp in August 2011. He was released the next day. Although the police have a total of five people in custody over the attacks, they say they can only charge Hajir with murder and the rest as accessories. 

The Ethiopian embassy in Nairobi has not responded to requests for a comment.

Source: ... in-garissa

Zone 9 bloggers Defense Arguments Aug 28,2014

EMF – Seven of the 10 bloggers are part of a social media group called Zone 9. The group are mostly young urban professionals known for a fresh and reasoned approach to peaceful change — and who are increasingly well-respected – in an authoritarian nation known for a history of stifling free expression. With elections coming, some say the charges are an easy way for the government to link dissidents to terrorist groups and undermine them.Here below,...

እነዚህ ከዞን 9 ጦማርያን መካከል የተወሰኑት ናቸው። ከመታሰራቸው በፊት... እራሳቸውን መንገድ ላይ እያዝናኑ።
 EMF published the defense argument by bloggers attorney.
Prepared by the attorney of the defendants
  1. On the subject of the manner the charges are presented.
In the first charge the defendants are cited for violating Article 4 of the anti-terrorism law. What described as an alleged act of terrorism in the charge sheet are having a long and a short term goals, participating in trainings, establishing a clandestine organization, expressing their opinion and receiving financial support. However; the charge sheet does not specify which of the seven terrorist acts stipulated in the article 3 of the same anti-terrorism law are committed. In accordance with Article 4 of the anti-terrorism law an act is prosecutable and punishable if they are supported with undisputable evidence and if they are constituted as an element of the crime as stipulated in Article 3 of the proclamation. The statements that are listed in the charge sheet as’ they have willfully joined an undercover enterprise of persons; took part in training; received monetary support are not crimes stipulated in the Article 3 of the proclamation. Hence; this charge signifies serious defects of reasoning, and has incurred incorrect application of the procedural provisions as stated in the Ethiopian law of criminal procedure of article 112.
The activities specified as violations or offenses in the first charge are among the fundamental rights that are protected in Ethiopia’s constitution. According to article 2 of the Ethiopian law of criminal procedure engaging in the activities described as fundamental constitutional rights shall not bring any criminal responsibility. The activities cited as offenses or violations are all fundamental rights to privacy, freedom of thought, freedom opinion and freedom expression and freedom of association as stipulated in Article 26, 29 and 31 of the Ethiopian constitution.
It is mandatory that the judicial, executive and the legislative branches of the Ethiopian government have duties and responsibilities to protect these rights. Additionally, in accordance with the decision of the Court of Cassation on 12th of November 2009, charge sheets must essentially respect these absolutely necessary fundamental constitutional rights. However, in the charge sheet the attorney general/the public prosecutor has tried to present the activities of the accused (participating in trainings, expressing opinion, encrypting their communication, establishing a clandestine organization and receiving financial support) in manner that violated the fundamental constitutional rights of the accused. The attorney general discredits their responsibility and duty to respect and enforce the provisions of the fundamental constitutional rights as stipulated in Article 13 of the Ethiopian constitution. Hence, I argue that, beyond violating the fundamental constitutional rights of the accused the charges are encroachment of the basic procedural rules of the country. Besides; they are illogical in reasoning. Therefore; I ask your honor to grant an outright dismissal to this case.
The details of the crime as they are written in the charge sheet are not understandable. In accordance with the article 111 of the Ethiopian law of criminal procedure the charge sheet must be a core document that describes a crime that has been committed in crisp manner .But the manner in which the charges are written show no compliance with these rules and procedures. In the document that is given as a charge sheet the alleged crimes are presented vaguely. With the exception of the two inadequate references to time (May & August 2012) there is no specific indication of time for the alleged crime. The occasion of the alleged crime and the specific person involved in the alleged crime is never mentioned so that my clients cannot defend themselves accordingly. In essence, I will draw your attention to the following faults and illogical reasoning that are noticeable on the charge sheet as a legal argument in demonstrating why the court should dismiss the case of my clients

  1. In the charge sheet the word ‘group’ and ‘enterprise’ have been used interchangeably. It is not clear whether these words are being used interchangeably as synonyms or being used to refer to two different sets of things.

  1. Legally speaking the use of the term ‘secrete’ in the charge sheet is not clear. It is a highly ambiguous term. It is not a legally recognized term. What does it refer? Does it refer to lack of legal registration for their activities or does it refer to the concealment of their activities? It should have been used in a very clear and unambiguous manner.

  1. The charge sheet never mentioned the name of the organization created by the accused. If the public prosecutor is referring my clients by their collective name called Zone9. They should be notified so that they can defend themselves accordingly

  1. In the charge sheet the public prosecutor allegedly accuse my clients of classifying duties and responsibilities as leadership; research & advocacy; public & foreign relations groups amongst themselves but does not specify who took leadership, research & advocacy; public & foreign relations

  1. The alleged crime of accepting an assignment is vague. Who gave them the assignment? When did they accept the assignment? How did they accept the assignment? What was the assignment? It is not specified in the charge sheet.
  2. In the charge sheet it says the accused took the newsletter of Ginbot7 and the political program of OLF as their own but this does not specify how they made these documents as their own.

  1. Regarding the training the accused took part; it does not specify what kinds of training have they taken part; when did they take? Who gave them? What were the titles of the trainings? Details such as where did they take training? Who gave them? What strategies did they device are never mentioned in the charge sheet.

  1. Regarding the $2400 allegedly the accused particularly Natnael received. Where did he receive the money? Who gave him? When did he receive it? It is not clearly pointed out in the charge sheet.

  1. In the charge sheet the phrase secret leadership of Ginbot7 is not clear. Where this secret leadership is located? Who is the leader of this secret leadership of Ginbot7
Violation of procedural rules and illogical reasoning with respect to this charge has completely distorted the meaning of the activities of the accused. Hence; I kindly ask the esteemed court to grant an outright dismissal to this case and release my clients.

አንድነት ለወያኔ ትልቅ የራስ ምታት በሽታ ነው በጣም የሚበረታታና ሊደገፍ የሚገባው የአላማ አንድነት ውሳኔ

Thursday, August 21, 2014

7 ጋዜጠኞች ሃገር ጥለው ተሰደዱ

7 ጋዜጠኞች ሃገር ጥለው ተሰደዱ

ጋዜጠኛ ቶማስ አያሌው
ጋዜጠኛ ግዛው ታዬ
(ዘ-ሐበሻ) መንግስት ሰሞኑን በነጻው ፕሬስ አባላት ላይ የጀመረውን ሰዶ የማሳደድ ተግባር ሰለባ የሆኑት 7 ጋዜጠኞች ሃገር ጥለው መውጣታቸውን ለዘ-ሐበሻ የደረሰው ሰበር ዜና አመለከተ::
ከሰሞኑ በፍትህ ሚ/ር ክስ የተመሰረተባቸው እነዚሁ ጋዜጠኞች የሎሚ መጽሔት, የአፍሮ ታይምስ ጋዜጣና እና የጃኖ መጽሔት አዘጋጆች ሲሆኑ እነርሱም
1ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ ቶማስ አያሌው
2ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ ዳንኤል ድርሻ
3ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ ግዛው ታዬ
4ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ አስናቀ ልባዊ
5ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ ሰናይ አባተ
6ኛ. ጋዜጠኛ ሰብለወንጌል መከተ
7ኛ. አቦነሽ
የተባሉ ሲሆን ዝርዝሩን ወደ በሁዋላ ይዘን እንመለሳለን::

Monday, August 18, 2014

ሻእቢያ ከከረን እና ከአስመራ ጦሩን ወደ ተሰንይ ማስፈሩን ተከትሎ ወያኔ ተጨማሪ ጦር ሲያጓጉዝ ዋለ። የመከላከያ ሰራዊቱ ሊከዳ ይችላል በሚል ስጋት የወያኔ ጄኔራሎች ሲመክሩ ውለዋል። August18/2014

ምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ
ከሩሲያ ጋር የጦር ልምምድ ስምምነት እንዳደረገ የሚነገርለት የኤርትራ ገዥ ቡድን ሻእቢያ ከባለፉት ወራቶች ጀምሮ ጦሩን ወደ ደቡባዊ የኤርትራ ግዛቶቹ በመሰብሰብ ላይ መሆኑን ተከትሎ ወያኔም እንዲሁ ባለፈው ካሰፈረው ሰራዊት በተጨማሪ ከትላንትና ጀምሮ ከባድ የጦር ተሽከርካሪዎችን እና ተጨማሪ የጦር ሰራዊት በአከባቢው በማስፈር ላይ መሆኑ ታውቋል።
አሜሪካ እና ሩሲያ በአከባቢው ያላቸውን የበላይነት ለመቀዳጀት ፉክክር በገቡበት በዚህ ወቅት አከባቢው የጦርነት ቀጠና እንደሚሆን ቀድማ አሜሪካ በበረራ ደህንንነ ሰበብ ሹክ ባለችበት ሰአት እንዲሁም የሻእቢያ ተቃዋሚ ሃይሎችን ወያኔ በገንዘብ እና በቅስቁስ እየረዳ ባለበት ጊዜ በተጨማሪም በአግል ወያኔያዊ ትእቢት እየዛተ እንዳለ ሲሆን ለወያኔ ከፍተኛ ስጋት የሆኑበት ኢርታራ ውስት የመሸጉ ተቃዋሚ ሃይላት ስለሆኑበት በጭቆና የተምረረው ምከልከያ ሰራዊት ተቃዋሚዎችን ይቀላቅላል የሚል ከባድ ስጋት በሕወሓት ጄኔራሎች ላይ መከሰቱን ምንጮች ጠቁመውል።
ወያኔ በቅርቡ ከዩክሬይን ያስገባችቸን ቲ-72 ዘመናዊ ታንኮች በጦርነት ላይ ለማሰለፍ ወደ ሰሜን እያጓጓዘ ሲሆን ሻእቢያ በበኩሉ ሩሲያ ሰራሽ የሆኑ ዘመናዊ ታንኮች ሚሳኤሎች እና ከባባድ መሳሪያዎች፡ጸረ አይሮፕላን መድፎችን በአከባቢው አስፍሯል። ወያኔ ዘመናዊ መሳሪያ እና በታንክ ላይ የተጠመዱ መድፎችን ቢያምጣም በመክላከያ ሰራዊቱ ላይ ምንም አይነት መተማመን እንዳሌለው እየተናገረ ሲሆን በሰሜናዊ ትግራይ ብግብርና ሙያ ላይ ከነሙሉ ትጥቃቸው ያሰፈራቸውን የቀድሞ ታጋዮች እየቀሰቀሰ መሆኑ ሲታወቅ ህዝቡ ጦርነት እንደተሰላቸ እና ባለው ስርአት ላይ እምነት እንዳጣ በግልጽ እየተናገረ መሆኑ ታውቋል።
በሰራዊቱ ያልተማመነው ወያኔ አንድ የወሰደው እርምጃ ከሱዳን ጋር ያደረገውን የሰራዊት ቅልቅል ሲሆን ይህም ተቀላቅሎ መስራት በሰራዊቱ መኮንኖች ዘንድ ተቀባይነት አለማግኘቱ ታውቋል። የምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያን መሬት ለሱዳን ለመስጠት ያሰበውን አገር የማጥፋት ሴራ ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ መሆኑን እና ሰራዊቱም ይህንን ተረድቶ ላገሩ ክብርና ታሪክ እንዲቆም ህዝቡ እየትናግረ ሲሆን የተደረገው የሰራዊት ውህደት ሱዳን በዳርፍርና ምስራቅ ሱዳን እንዲሁም ከደቡብ ሱዳን አቅጣጫ ላለበት ጦርነት በስምምነታቸው መሰረት የኢትዮጵያ ወታደሮች እንዲዋጉለት ለማድረግና ወያኔም በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ መስማማቱን እናም በመከላከያ ሰራዊት ያለ የኢትዮጵያ ወጣት በጎረቤት አገሮች የበረሃ ሲሳይ ከመሆን ራስን እንዲታደግ አስተያየት ሰጪዎች አሳስበዋል።
ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ ከአዲስ አበባ የሚወጡ ዘገባዎች መጭውን የወያኔ የጦርነት ዝግጅት ተከትሎ የመከላከያ ሰራዊቱ በመክዳት ከተቃዋሚ ሃይሎች ጋር ሊቀላቀል ይሽላል በሚል ስጋት ስብሰባ ተቀምጠው መዋላችውን ምንጮች ጠቁመዋል። በኤርትራ የሚንቀሳቀሱ የተቃዋሚ ሃይሎች የሚያወጡት መግለጫ በሰራዊቱ ላይ የሚፈጸመው ዘረኝነት እንዲሁም ብዝበዛ እና ከሃገሪቱ ጥቅሞች አንጻር እየተደረገ ያለው ብሄራዊ ውርድት በእጅጉ አሳሳቢ ደረጅ ልይ መድረሱ ሕዝቡ ለስር አቱ ያለው ጥላቻ መበራከቱ እንዲሁም ከዚህ ቀደም በባድመ ጉዳይ የተፈጸሙ መንግስታዊ ማጭበርበሮች እና የመሳሰሉት ግኡዳዮች ሰራዊቱ ይከዳል የሚል ከባድ ስጋት ያላቸው መሆኑን ያወሱት ጄኔራሎቹ በመከላከያ ሰራዊቱ ላይ እምነት በማጣትቸው ትግራይ ያለው የሕወሓት ታጣቂ ሃይል ከጀርባ እንደ ደጀን እንደ መተማመኛ እንደሚወስዱት መክረዋል።
ሰራዊቱ ያለውን ስርአት በተመለከት ደስተኛ ስላልሆነ እንዲሁም ሕዝቡ የሚፈልገው ለውጥ እንጂ ጦርንት ስላልሆነ ወያኔ በመጭው ሊያደርገው ያሰበው ጦርነት ከባድ ኪሳራ ያስክትልበታል ተብሎ ተገምቷል።

የዩኒቨርስቲተማሪዎችየሚያነሱዋቸው ጥያቄዎች ለኢህአዴግ ፈታኝ እንደሆኑበት ተሰብሳቢዎች ገለጹ Aug18,2014

ነሃሴ ፲፪(አስራ ሁለት)ቀን ፳፻፮ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና :-የትምህርትሚኒስቴርከ360 ሺህበላይነባርናአዳዲስየዩኒቨርሲቲተማሪዎችየመንግሥትንፖሊሲናስትራቴጂን
እንዲሰለጥኑአስገዳጅመመሪያማውጣቱን ተከትሎ በጎንደር ዩኒቨርስቲ የተሰበሰቡ ከ1500 በላይ ተማሪዎች ያነሱዋቸው ጥያያቄዎች ለኢህአዴግ ካድሬዎች ፈታኝ እንደሆኑባቸው ውይይቱን የሚከታተሉት ወኪሎቻችን ገልጸዋል። በከፍተኛ መሰላቸትና ጫጫታ የሚካሄደው ስብሰባ ዋና አላማ ተማሪውን ስለመጪው ምርጫማዘጋጀትና አዳዲስ አባላትን መመልመል ነው። ባለፈው አርብ በተደረገው የመጀመሪያ ቀን ስብሰባ ተማሪዎች ከመብት ፣ ከዲሞክራሲና ከኢኮኖሚ ጋር የተያያዙጥያቄዎችን አንስተዋል። 

እውን በአገራችን የብሄር እኩልነት አለ ወይ ሲሉ የጠየቁት ተማሪዎች፣ በተለያዩ መስሪያ ቤቶች በሚገኙ ከፍተኛ የስልጣን ቦታዎች የአንድብሄር የበላይነት ጎልቶ እንደሚታይ፣ ብሄሮች እኩል ናቸው ብሎ መናገር እንደማይቻልና በተለይ የአማራ ብሄር እንወክለዋለን ብለው በተቀመጡ ባለስልጣኖች ሳይቀር እየተሰደበ መሆኑን ገልጸዋል። በአገሪቱ ዲሞክራሲ የሚባል ነገር እንደሌለ የተናገሩት ተማሪዎች፣ የሃይማኖት እኩልነት አለ መባሉንም በጥርጣሬተመልክተውታል። 
ኢህአዴግ ስለ ደርግ ደጋግሞ ቢያወራም፣ የእስካሁን የሰራው ከደርግ የማይሻልና ኢህአዴግና ደርግ የተለያዩ ናቸው ብሎ ለመውሰድ እንደማይቻልተማሪዎች ገልጸዋል። 
በኢኮኖሚው ረገድ የተለየ ነገር አለመምጣቱን የገለጹት ተማሪዎች፣ የተጀመሩ መንገዶች አይጠናቀቁም፣ ስኳር ጠፍቷል፣ መንግስት ኢኮኖሚው አድጓል ቢልም በቅርቡ የወጡ መረጃዎች ኢትዮጵያን ከአለም የመጨረሻዋ ደሃ አገር እንዳደረጋትና አብዛኛው ግንባታዎች የሚካሄዱት ከቻይና በተገኘ ብድር መሆኑን ተናግረዋል። የቀድሞ መንግስታት በራሳቸው ወጪ ግንባታዎችን ያካሂዱ ነበር ያሉት ተማሪዎች፣ በኢህአዴግ የምንሰማው ግን ቻይና ብድር ፈቀደች፣ ቻይና ብድር ሰረዘች
የሚል መሆኑን ጠቅሰዋል። የኢትዮጵያን ታሪክ ከእናንተ በተሻለ እናውቀዋለን በማለት ተማሪዎች በታሪክ ላይ ተመስርቶ የሚሰጣቸውን ተንተና እንደማይቀበሉት ገልጸዋል። 

በሱዳን እና በኢትዮጵያ መካከል ስላለው ድንበር እና ኢትዮጵያ ለሱዳን ስለሰጠችው መሬትም ጥያቄ ተነስቷል። ዩኒቨርስቲዎችን የፖለቲካ ማራመጃ መደረጋቸውን የተቃወሙት ተማሪዎች፣ በእረፍት ሰአታቸው ላይ ተማሪዎችን ያስፈለገበት አላማ እንዲገለጽላቸውም ጠይቀዋል። አንዳንድ ተማሪዎች ግን ምርጫ ሲደርስ ነው የምታስታወሱን
በማለት የስብሰባው አላማ ከምርጫ ጋር የተያያዘ መሆኑን ጠቅሰዋል። ተማሪዎች አሰልቺ ነው ባሉት ስብሰባ፣ የገዢው ፓርቲ ተወካዮች ለተነሱት ጥያቄዎች በቂ መልስ ለመስጠት ባለመቻላቸው ተማሪዎችን ይበልጥ ማበሳጨቱን ወኪሎቻችን ገልጸዋል። በሥልጠናውላይተሳትፎየምስክርወረቀትያልያዘተማሪ በዩኒቨርሲቲዎቹትምህርቱንመቀጠል እንደማይችልሉ ተነግሮአቸዋል። የትምህርትሚኒስትሩአቶሺፈራውሽጉጤሰሞኑንለጋዜጠኞችእንደገለጹትበመንግሥትፖሊሲዎችናስትራቴጂዎችላይ ከ250ሺህ
በላይነባርየዩኒቨርሲቲተማሪዎችእናከ116 ሺህበላይአዳዲስተማሪዎችለተከታታይ 15 ቀናት አበል በመክፈልባሉበት አካባቢበፕላዝማሥልጠናእንደሚሰጥቃል የገቡ ቢሆንም፣ ከገጠር አካባቢ ለመጡት መጠነኛ አበል ከመስጠት በስተቀር ሌሎች ተማሪዎች አላገኙም። በዚህም በተማሪዎችና በባለስልጣኖች መካከል ጭቅጭቅ ተፈጥሮ እንደነበር
ለማወቅ ተችሎአል።
ሥልጠናውንየሚሰጡትከፍተኛየመንግሥትባለስልጣናትመሆናቸውንየሥልጠናውዝርዝርእናየሚፈጀውወጪምንያህል እንደሆነእስካሁን ግልጽ አይደለም።ይህሥልጠና ኢህአዴግበመንግሥትወጪለቀጣዩምርጫድጋፍለማግኘትእንዲሁም ነባር አባላቱን በዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ለመተካት ለዘረጋው መርሃ ግብር ማስፈጸሚያ ነው ኢሳት ያነጋገራቸው ተማሪዎች እንደሚሉት ኢህአዴግን የስልጠናውን አላማ ግልጽ አላደረገም። ስብሰባውን ለመሰታፍ በተማሪዎች በኩል ያለው ስሜትም ቀዝቃዛ ከመሆኑ በተጨማሪ በርካታ ተማሪዎች ስብሰባውን ጀምረው ጥለው ይወጣሉ።
የቀድሞው ም/ል ጠ/ሚኒስትር አዲሱ ለገሰ በቅርቡ ባወጡት ጽሁፍ ኢህአዴግ አሁን ያለውን አመራር ይዞ ረጅም እርቀት እንደማይጓዝና ነባር አመራሩን በዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ለመተካት መንቀሳቀስ እንደሚገባ አመላክተው ነበር።

Sunday, August 17, 2014

አቶ ብርሃኑ በርሀ የዓረና ትግራይ ፓርቲ ሊቀ መንበር በወቅታዊ የሀገራችን ጉዳይ ላይ ለ ሎሚ መፅሄት የሰጡት ቃለ መጠይቅ

አቶ ብርሃኑ በርሀ የዓረና ትግራይ ፓርቲ ሊቀ መንበር

  • 319

ፓርቲያችን ዓረና ትግራይ የሚያደርጋቸው እንቅስቃሴዎች የፓቲርው ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ያሳለፋቸው ውሳኔዎች ተግባራዊ ማድረግ መሰረት ያደረገ ሆኖ ጠቅለል ብሎ ሲገለፅ የዓረና አማራጭ ፖሊሲና በወቅታዊ ሃገራዊና ክልላዊ ጉዳዮች ያለው አ ም ለህዝብ በማስተዋወቅ የአረና አማራጭ ፖሊሲዊች የህዝቡ አጀንዳና የፍላጎቱ መገለጫ ሆነው ከፓርቲ ፖለቲካ ወደ የህዝብ ፖለቲካ በማሸጋገር 
–[ሙሉውን ለማንበብ እዚህ ይጫኑ]—

አቶ ብርሃኑ በርሀ የዓረና ትግራይ ፓርቲ ሊቀ መንበር

Eritrean Opposition in Ethiopia Vows To Oust Regime, Establish Federal System

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
(SEMERA, ETHIOPIA) – An Eritrean opposition group, Red Sea Afar Democratic Organisation (RSADO) on Tuesday vow to step up military attacks to topple the current repressive rule in the East African nation.
The opposition political organisation held a three day conference in Ethiopia Afar region’s Semera town where participants discussed a framework of government should they succeed to remove the current President Isaias Afwerki led government in Asmara.
imageRSADO leaders told Sudan Tribune that the armed wing of the group was more than ever strengthened and ready to launch full-scale military attacks to unseat the Eritrean leader and turn the red sea nation into a democratic federal state.
As the ultimate outcome of the struggle, the Semera conference declared to draft a new constitution and establish a federal system of governance in Eritrea which participants’ believed would guarantee democracy, self-governance and equal rights of the different nations and ethnic groups.
The conference agreed on the urgent removal of the ‘dictatorial’ rule calling on other Eritrean opposition groups to collectively launch attacks to curtail the life of the 23 years old regime.
The group, on the other hand, accused the Eritrean government of further intensifying an “ethnic cleansing” strategy against Afar minorities.
The group alleges that thousands of Eritrean Afars had been killed and many others were subjected to extradition and forced displacement.
“RSADO is committed to end the regime’s repression and atrocities right now rather than later” the group said in a communiqué.
The opposition group blamed the international community of giving “deaf ears” to the ongoing atrocities by the regime against the Afars and other Eritreans.
The conference brought together over 500 participants including political leaders, executive members of RSADO, Red Sea Afar youth and women league, elders, representatives of refugees, civic societies, international observers as well as Afar Diasporas.
The ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), is the only legal party in the secretive nation which is functioning since the country proclaimed independence in 1991 after 32-year long civil war with neighbouring Ethiopia.
Afwerki, who assumed power in 1991 remains to be the leader of the country, making him one among the very few remaining dictators in Africa.
The regime has ‘zero tolerance’ to dissent. Any citizen who attempts to criticize the government is considered as traitor or spy of arch foe Ethiopia and will be thrown to indefinite jail term or could be punished by death without court ruling.
On the 23rd independent anniversary celebrated last May, president Isaias Afwerki pledged to draft a new constitution.
However opposition groups have downplayed the pledge saying “business as usual”
RSADO officials told Sudan Tribune that it rather was a start to a second chapter of oppression and dictatorship under the pretext of new constitution.
The group was founded in 1998 to stand for the rights of the Afar people including to the respect of self determination up to secession.
Militarily, RSADO is relatively considered stronger than the other Eritrean rebel groups.
In the past its armed wing has carried out a number of successful attacks against the Eritrean government army.

Egypt says it has new ‘vision’ for Ethiopia’s d

New ‘vision’ won’t affect Egypt’s share of Nile water, says country’s irrigation minister, as talks are planned to take place in Sudan later this month
Ahram Online, Sunday 17 Aug 2014
Egypt’s Irrigation Minister Hossam El-Moghazi told privately owned Mehwar channel that Egypt has a new “vision” regarding Ethiopia’s planned Grand Renaissance Dam ahead of another round of talks in the Sudanese capital.
In a phone interview, El-Moghazi said the Egyptian delegation will head to Khartoum on 24 August for two days of discussions.
“Egypt has a new vision, that will not affect Egypt’s water share, and we are expecting that the other party responds to it,” said El-Moghazi.

Meanwhile, the minister said that Egyptian satellite images have revealed that construction has not yet begun on the part of the dam which will reserve the Nile’s water.
The project has been a source of concern for the Egyptian government since May 2013, when images of the dam’s construction stirred public anxiety about the possible effect on Egypt’s potable water supply.
Ethiopia maintains that Egypt’s water share will not be negatively affected by the successful completion of the project, set to be Africa’s largest hydroelectric dam.
The upcoming tripartite talks between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan were initially planned to take place in Cairo but were later moved to Khartoum.
The talks are expected to develop seven main points that Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn previously discussed during a meeting in late June – among them fostering dialogue and cooperation between the two countries as well as regional projects to meet the growing demand for water.
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As PM Hailemariam’s daughter joins Columbia University, General Tsadkan’s goes to Agnes Scott College

August 17, 2014
gen_tsadkanServing and retired officials of the current ruling Front of EPRDF have gotten their daughters enrolled in prestigious US universities. The two witness their daughter graduate on 23 May, 2014 completing their secondary studies from the International Community School (Addis Abeba). As Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn got the youngest of his three daughters, Bitsit Hailemariam, enrolled at Columbia University, the daughter of the ex-Chief of the General Staff of the TPLF later Ethiopian Defense Forces from 1991 to 2001, General Gebretsadkan Gebretensae, Zebib Gebretsadkan has joined Agnes Scott College in the U.S. Gebretsadkan has been working as an adviser on the SPLA transformation program for the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) since 2006 and is also the Board Chairman of Raya Brewery S.C.
A local newspaper had recently reported that the annual tuition fee to send a student to the ICS Addis Abeba costs close to 40,000 dollars. The super-rich Ethiopians or members of the diplomatic and international organisations community send their children to this school. Many have wondered how Ethiopian government officials whose gross annual salary is not more than $40,000 are able to send their children to such most expensive schools.
Some of the business people who send their children to this school include Abebaw Desta, shareholder of Star Business Group, whose son Yohannes Abebaw, has joined University of Tampa, USA , and Mezgebu Ukule, Manager of Sky Bus Transport System, whose son Elias Mezgebu, has left for the Vanderbilt University, USA this year.
Source: Debirhan #