Sunday, August 11, 2013

we Ethiopians are very sad that Amhara womens are sterilized by wayne's not to get birth


  1. But How and why ?????? why Whyyyyyy.....
    it is not fair , weyane became beyond the limit
    -is it to get political benefit or for the sake of heat rage of
    amhara people
    -did weyane thinks to live for ever like Gods kingdom ?
    how ? why ? on the earth government sterilized his own citizens without
    out there concent
    -why government take as an advantage to affect and attack not educated citizens ?
    -I am not from amhara tribe, But as one of Ethiopia Wit I am 100% protest this inhuman act upon amhara tribes
    - TPLF should be accused for genocide acts towards our amara citizens
    God Bless Ethiopia

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